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Descendents of Carson Howell and other Families Along the Edisto Reunion, September 17, 2016, 10:30 AM Til...Bethcar Baptist Church, Wagener, Aiken County SC

Descendents of the Carson Howell family include Cook, Keel, Johnson, Scott, Garvin, Douglas, Toney, and Redd families.

Bring a covered dish, paper goods, tea, and ice will be furnished.

Bring your family scrapbooks, genealogy sheets, and any other family information you might would like to share. A copy machine and paper will be available for sharing your family's information.

Tables will be set up for families who bring their information. The Aiken-Barnwell Genealogical Society will have a booth with thier materials for you to browse and/or purchase. Family members who have published Family Books will have their books on display. The next reunion is in 2020.